Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Today's tidbits

Nothing much is really happening. I didn't get the promotion, but I pretty much expected that to happen, so no sweat. There are a couple other job leads I am looking at in the area too, so maybe sometime soon I can get out of here. People are losing their jobs left and right around here, the economy really is very poor here, I am going to try and save as much as I can from my checks, I may need it in the future. Sad but true. Oh, L and my dad went to Chris' grandparents on Mon. night and he said something to L along the lines of..'I am your dad and I will spank your butt'..oooh I am so pissed about this. I am very against spanking - I know some people do not think spanking is abuse, but I just don't like it. So yes, this really struck a chord with me and my dad intends on writing a letter to the prosecutor to witness this statement he made. I wasn't there, but my dad was. So was Chris' grandma and I guess she commented saying something like, Oh no you will not do that. But OMG I do not understand why or how he thinks he can say this to her! First of all, he is not even a parent to her!!! I was up all night long thinking about this, how can I subject my little girl to this asshole. ugh. I am so flustered with this whole episode!!! I'm not pregnant, Just thought I would throw that in since I was concerned in my last post. I didn't really think I was, but it was in the back of my head. I'm not sure why I'm getting periods this time around, after I had L I didn't get one until I finished breastfeeding. Oh well. I really like that show the Duggars - I don't know why, but I have a little crush on the husband, Jim Bob. I think because he is truley the epitome of what a husband is supposed to be. I want that. I don't think it's too much to ask. I'm not sure if D can give that to me. Basically what it comes down to is respect. I really like how Michelle handles herself, too. She is so mellow. Is she behind the scenes smoking pot or what? She really has a calming about her and it really has been helping me at home. When I get flustered/frusterated I honestly think about her and it helps to calm me down. I mean, if she can be that way with 18 children, then certainly I can handle 2!! Anyway, that's about all that is going on over here. My surgery is in 2 weeks and I'm pretty calm about it. Usually I stress about this kind of thing and have a lot of anxiety, but for some reason I don't think it will be that big of a deal. Plus I will feel like I am on vacation, my mom is letting me stay at her house for the weekend and my dad is taking L for the whole weekend, and so I will have my mom taking care of me and J and she will just bring me J to feed her and see her. I can not wait to be waited on! :) The surgical place said that my surgery is at 8 and I will be able to go home by 10, so that was a relief also. Ok that's all for now.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Sorry about the job. No spanking here either, i'd be ticked too. Hope your weekend was great and relaxing! cant wait to hear all about it! Very jealous!
