Tuesday, May 6, 2008

this and that

I am finally feeling more settled in the new house. It still doesn't feel like mine yet, I feel like I'm staying at someone else's place. The nursery is now jam packed with stuff that we didn't have a home for and it's driving me nuts, it's not a storage closet, it's a baby's room! Luckily we have about 4 months to get that all situated. I also would love to get some lawn type furniture for out on the deck. That way, my pregnant butt can sit outside this summer! Things with D are going better than you would expect. We are getting along so much better now and starting to get a rhythm down, which I'm loving. No fights in a while either so that makes for a very happy stress-free home. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat today so that was nice. I had to make an unexpected trip to the ob, and I'll just leave it at that. Nothing too serious so that is wonderful news! My mom is having a garage sale in a couple of weeks so I need to get things ready for that. I have been marking up a bunch of junk that I just don't want or need anymore, hopefully I can score some good monies! The pregnancy itself is going pretty smooth. I get some sharp cramps every so often, but nothing too serious, just enough for me to know they are there. I also get the leg cramps now too, I got those when I was prego with L too and they are no fun! I have been limping around the office because these cramps just will not go away. Work has been shitty. I hate my work life and am SO ready to be the hell out of this place and never return! Unfortunately though, I am stuck here until hell freezes over, well no, I will be searching desperately while I'm on maternity leave. Stacie still has been so cold with me. She doesn't like D and is not afraid to tell me so. It's really putting a strain on our friendship and therefore it feels like I have no friends these days. It sucks and I wish she could just shut up and still be my friend and just accept D for who he is. He is really being wonderful though! He's done a complete 360 and is stepping up to the plate about everything, it's awesome and I am loving it so much. I never thought I would find happines, but here it is right in front of my face. I'm happy. Honestly. The only thing that saddens me right now is the fact that Stacie and I are on the outs, but I'm trying to just think of it on her side. She is alone and not even in a relationship and here I am happy with 2 kids. She has wanted kids since I have known her and there has to be a little jealousy there. Hopefully she will get over it and just be happy for me for once. We'll see. I do complain about D, so I'm going to try and stop that with Stacie because then she only hears the negative things, when there really is a lot of positives. My cousin Alan got married this past weekend so D and I went there for it. It was so nice to just have a night away from L and have some adult time! I enjoyed myself. My dad and his girlfriend were all over eachother and it was quite discusting, also they were doing their ballroom dancing on the dance floor and making a spotlight for themselves. It was gross and I really can not stand her. My grandma is not too happy about them being together either. It's just messed up. She told me she thought it was ignorant for them to be all over eachother like that and pretty much flaunting their relationship. I know I'm going to have to get used to her, but I know I will never like her. We are just too opposite. I can tell that my dad is turning in to her also now which is quite annoying. I just want my old dad back, but I know he is gone. Actually my old mom is gone too. She is going out on a date on Weds with a new guy. She's been dating the same guy now for a while and is going to go out with some other guy behind his back. It's the first guy she dated after the divorce, he dumped her and is now coming back around. Ugh, I liked the guy she is with now! and now she is going to go and mess it all up. Hopefully it all works out for the best, I know I can't control my parent's lives. L had strept throat! I took her in Sunday morning and sure enough the test came back positive. She is acting fine though and is doing so much better, but awe, I was so sad that my baby had that. Mother's Day is this weekend. I have no plans yet, but something better get planned. Let's see..that's about all my jumbled thoughts for the day I suppose..not much to report, but once I get typing I seem to not be able to stop, thoughts just keep coming to me! Oh the chirpractor! I love him so! I'm going again tonight! But I must say that it is really helping the migraines...he is awesome! ok that's it!

1 comment:

Heather said...

I finally made it over to your blog and with just one post i feel all caught up, lol!